Friday, August 22, 2008

back to business :-((

aahhh i really hate this!!

finally the day has come i have to again leave this place. All this time vanished in the same manner as the aromatic compounds used to disappear in my chemistry lab! Man this is genuinely amazing that how 'mr. time manipulates and adjusts him self' when we need him to go slow he just rockets at the speed of knots but when we ask him to run quickly he just refuses to do so...bloody moody fellow!!

But never mind...this ends leads to the beginning of a new countdown for my next home coming....!! yipppee i'll be back soon....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

maa please take me home..........

Well i have to take you back to the days of our junior school. Those were purely amazing times that most of us must have enjoyed and remembered till today. Remember, the daily rituals of morning assembly, prayers, pledge, attendance, home work, punishment, recess, tiffins, fights and what not!

The every season passed has been etched in my memory, i still remember the lazy summer afternoons, the crazy monsoons, the restless winters(exam time). Its a different story that today I turn to my organizer for remembering the date. It seems so much has been let behind, so much has been left undone. I don't think the pace has changed but certainly the backdrop has. Life presents a different story today though the moral remains the same.

Often the journey doesn't look easy, the road gets murky and most of the time the destination gets changed before anything could be comprehended.

All this makes me feel like i have lost some where.

There is a shear desperation to go back and re-live the moments. I wish i could re-live the seasons again i wish i could born again.

Maa please take me home...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

we got richer....

Hey congratulations people our grappler and boxer did it for us today. my whole hearted wishes to them, they really felt us proud. Both the matches were awesome specially vijender's who clearly punched with purpose also our next 'gamma pehelwaan'(sushil kumar) just showed how old and deep rooted the art is in bhaaratvarsh.

Well guys no need to take this seriously as i hardly know about any of these arts. The only thing that i was able to analyse in sushil's tussle was the
striking facial and vocal similarity between sushil and ashu(one of my good friend)!!. And as far as the other match goes, i was constantly thinking what if 'sunny paaji' was there in place of vijender remember the movie 'apne'.

Anyways today's bottom line is we got richer by 2 medals out of which the research work is still on to determine the properties of 2nd one.

Wow we got richer, but so did they!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

IndiGold !!!!

Okay let me start with a question, what do you like more cricket or olympics? I feel that the answer would be obvious....'olympics' isn't it! Well guys no need to feel bad for our constitutional national game (hockey) and our unconstitutional national game (cricket). The fact of the matter is we aren't doing good in those two but on the contrary we have ultimately delivered goods in the olympics (or so to say in one olympic sport, I dont know)!!

So we just need to be proud of "our bindra" and must believe in our selfs that even guys from a billion strong huddle can get the golden glory!! Jai Hind!! mera bharat mahaan!!! Jai Hind Jai Hind!!! Oopss..seems like I reached sonia gandhi's residence while I was following abhinav to get his autograph!

Anyways apart from this sharp shooter our boxers also fought gallantly, pretty much similar to the way as our leaders battle it out in parliament. Seriously speaking I thought akhil was awesome in earlier bouts untill he messed it all in the quarters against his maldivian ohh sorry
maldovian opponent in today's match. Probably 'josh without hosh' brought curtains for him. But never mind it was definitely a brave show by the haryana jatt.

I hope these performances would motivate people like you & me (no not me actually), and might give a face lift to our olympic medal tally, not necessarily at london'12 but at least when the extravaganza is hosted in India!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

the exotic prison ??

More than 4 weeks have passed and Kashmir is still reeling under torrid times. I don't know why but I have an impression that nothing has been done on center's part to control the condition from getting more aggravated. If things aren't given a serious look this time it could be the end of it all.

The extremist/separatist voices have gone far beyond the normal decibels and even the main line political groups have started helping them in their cause. The unrest is evident and real this time. India hardly has any options, probably because they them selves are responsible for the situation and this would be the last thing I'd wish to digest. Having said that, I believe that neither India nor any particular community could hold people for ransom. What has happened in the valley is very much near to this perception, sadly but this is true.

Its a sorrow state that even after 61 years of independence citizens of this country are still fighting for freedom. I don't understand why the government has always to come up with politically correct statements, why just they cant look the human face of the condition. The so called 'Azadi movement' of the valley is definitely big/real this time. We cannot leave the situation for its own healing rather we have to take honest steps for bringing back peace to the valley. At this point of time its least important that whether Kashmir remains with India or goes with the neighbor on the other side of fence or goes all alone as most of them want, what matters is the interest and lives of the locals must be protected.

One more fact that has been re-established is that the two trouble some communities of India cannot live cordially forever. We sustain our selves on an extremely delicate balance which can be disturbed even by the slightest of the friction between us. And at times these things provide opportunity to others for pointing fingers at us. The bottom line is we need to evolve as a society. We need to learn how to keep the political interests aside and move ahead in the interest of the people.

I hope peace returns to the valley.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

few first lines...

well this is goin to be about how much i know about myself in particular and the life in general. I would try my best to make this an honest attempt....

I believe that there is a thin line between knowing and not knowing yourself, the better you know yourself the more you get closer to life. Reality always turns starnger than fiction so there is no point running after the illusions. Life throws many questions at us & its not necessary that we get answers to each so be patient & try to change the question instead!!!
