Tuesday, March 16, 2010

one lazy sunday.......!!

It all started with a breakfast that i wanted to finish a.s.a.p and get over it.

I was pretty tired after working overnight. I started to sleep as if gallons of alcohol was running through my veins. My eyes were barely open and was hardly conscious, even then my loyal ears were working efficiently and effectively. Many opinions and statements related to me started to drop into them. I need not mention whether i liked or disliked those but yes, once i had enough of them i just toppled over and discontinued with the feeds that i was receiving consciously or unconsciously. Adding insult to injury the power went away at 11 in the morning, inspite of the setback i was utterly confident that i would have a perfect sunday which later on didnt turned out to be.

In between all this dramatized sleep i even got the news that my LPG cylinder got exhausted just when my cook finished cooking what ever he was for the breakfast. And this means i had to plan what and how i would have in lunch without gas, without power and without a will to go outside in these hot oriya afternoons. I moved on and slept over thinking every thing would be alright when i woke up. But as i mentioned it earlier this was not a perfect sunday So when i woke up it was already 3 of the afternoon with the burning sun peeping right into my window over my face. All this felt like a 3rd degree torture that a captured POW receives for speaking-up few crucial intels. Where he is roped to a chair, drenched in water and the officers showing the bright head lamp right into his face.

As i gained consciousness i realized i was not alone in this stranded boat. One of my fellow room-mate was also lying there hoping for things to get better. We started to discuss about the possibilities of saving ourselves this afternoon. Quite amazingly both of us were very low on energy to change the course of things in our favor, or to be honest we didnt had that will power to make things happen for us. Some thing has to be done for the hunger as well so we started having peanuts with jaggery. Definitely this sounds frustrating than being awful. After having enough to resist the starvation at least for few hours we began to discuss about evening plans, dinner, normalcy etc.

Suddenly i had a look at my cell, its tough to realize that it was already 5:15 in the evening. And even tougher was to realize that at least half of the innings would have been over by that time and we still didnt had any signs of power coming back. I was thinking about the IPL match, i gained on some will and started to check the score on my phone. It was then i realized that my phone also had negligible battery remaining, just like my ipod and my laptop in a similar manner in which i was left with negligible patience to sustain the glory of this sunday.

In the mean time i realized my room mate started to catch on with some sleep, while i couldnt get over thinking about the plans of dinner later this evening or atleast having some samosa or jaleebi. It was almost 6 pm by then and it all started getting darker and murkier outside with no signs of power coming back. All this helped me think about the medieval beings, i started to think how those people lived without power, without phone, without ipod, without laptop and not to forget without LPG. Along with these thoughts i started to think about what to dress while going out. This may sound sick, but actually it isnt. Yesterday only i bought a new shirt and i thought going out might be the best way to flaunt this one. I had huge aspirations about it.

Then suddenly someone shouted "aagayi" then only i realised it was the electricity that came back, much to our delight. Both of us started doing our stuff, and for a moment we forgot that some plans were made for going outside. Once we gained our memories he went for taking shower and i started to catch up with the IPL match on TV. Once he got out of the bathroom i just jumped-in to continue what he was doing. I was quite excited about the new shirt thing, once i was done with the bath i pulled over things and was ready in a flash. And them came another blow of the day my roomie some how changed his mind and denied for having dinner out side. I was totally shattered. As another set of events were taking place parallel, my cook was able to arrange LPG cylinder from nowhere. And this turned out to be the final nail in the coffin. My friend just refused to go out, leaving me even more furious, more frustrated more dejected etc etc. After this i some how consoled my self and tried to bring temper in permissiable limits.

But the Child in me was not at all convinced with the events of the day. As a last shot i called my another good friend who was still in plant to ask him for dinner at 11 once he gets back from work. Much to my repite he answered with a friendly yes. It was like a big relief for me. I began to think that the worst sunday is over and started to enjoy the match between CSK and RC. It was a bore one sided kind of a match and so was my day so far. Then at 11:05 my phone rang , before picking it up i started presuming it must be my friend asking me to get ready. Quite excitedly i picked it up and listened what he was speaking. Suddenly the most un-expected words started to fall into my ears. This fellow told me about his unavailability as he was asked to stay back over-night in the plant for resolving some kind of abnormalities.

I smiled and calmly disconnected the call.....

Its true, that things usually dont shape up as you wish them to be. Same happened with me this sunday and has been happening ever since.... :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

15% more bat speed 20% more power Hit faster, straighter, further!!!

There is a new cricket bat doing the rounds that is supposed to revolutionise the game.  It is called the Mongoose.
The basic concept is that in Twenty20, where the need for agression is paramount, you do not need the shoulders/splice area of the bat, which are entirely defensive.
So the blade has been shortened and the handle lengthened, and the meat of the bat is constructed to ensure maximum hitting power.  Apparantly, Stuart Law is impressed.
The problem with the whole “revolutionise the game” thing is that cricket tends to adapt to new methods and tactics.  So the bowling will adapt.  I wouldn’t fancy playing the fastest bowlers with half a blade.  I suspect the fast bowlers would fancy their chances against batsmen who use it.  We shall see.
There is also the possibility of the games lawmakers treating it with the same disdain as the aluminium bat.
So this is how things are shaping up in cricket, cutting short every thing. Whether it be game lenght, bowler's delight (power plays) or even the cricket bat. After reading this article in Good Cricket Wicket  its certain that this game is open for innovations and improvements. 2 days from now Matt. Hayden would be displaying the credibility of this particular innovation as the CSK takes on DC on the 14th night at MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai. The obvious question at this point would be, how much more so-called innovations or the alleged manipulations can this game be able to sustain? Or are we bending the stick just too much! 

whats holding you back??

If any one is reading this might have realized by now, that things dont come out easily out of me! And mind you this is not only in reference to the frequency of my posts but also to one dreaded habit/nature that I posses since ages. One of my good friend even knowingly or unknowingly asked me to get rid of this particular habit while having the final good-bye 3 years back.

well I was talking about sharing......could be related to any thing like...sharing food, thoughts, friends, drinks, space so on and so forth. the lines written by someone over my t-shirt 'share kiya kar it would help' still flash in my mind. I never accepted to call this a handicap, but to be honest its nothing more than that! I believe this might not be entirely affected by selfishness, but to making choices as well. Although healthy discussions and disclosures on certain topics with peers is part of a rational thought process, but the equations can drastically change when you need to discuss about the person who is cheating upon you or vice-versa, about a situation in which you might have helped your friend or a situation in which you might have said no in place of a yes.

Speaking out definately helps but there is always an 'amour propre' factor associated to it, more so with men. Or atleast men like me. I have been the least blessed on this sharing thing or you may say, it was my choice. But for this to happen you need to have confident and reliable counterparts, I dont know whether parents or even best buddies can be helpful for certain matters of our lives. That might be the reason I termed non-sharing of thoughts as an handicap. Since the prerequisite for sharing would be honesty on your part, any lies in such cases are totally uncalled for.

Few people dont wish to share even a bit of their lives only because they feel they can handle all this or for that matter they need to handle on their own by default since they being a male, irrespective of the outcome of situation. The feeling of 'i need to finish this on my own' might some time lead you nowhere. I have been through this and certainly i am trying to change my self...